Program areas at Sunrise Opportunities
Home support programs - support approximatly 20 adults with intellectual disabilities. Individuals receive clinically supervised support services delivered in their own homes (or in small agency supported homes) designed to help recipients improve and maintain their ability to live as independently as possible. Services included primarily habilitative training, personal assistance with activities of daily living, instrumental activities of daily living and development and personal well being. Services are offered thoughout all of Washington County, Maine.
Childrens services - services approximately 40 children with significant intellectual, emotional or behavioral disabilities. Providing home and community based treatment, rehabilitative and commmunity support or child day treatment programs. Services include counseling, therapy, teaching, socialization and applied behavioral analysis. All services were individually tailored to assist children to reach their full potential, to increase their inclusion in the community and to sustain them in their family living situation of their choice. Services are provided thoughout Washington County, Maine.
Residential treatment programs - for people with severe and persistant mental illness. 20 adults with severe and persistant mental illmness received round the clock, clinically supervised, personal support in a home-like and safe residential environment which included their own private bedroom and a daily treatment program tailored to their specific needs. The focus was on reducing their mental illness symptoms and also assisting them on their road to recovery. Services were delivered in Eastport Residential Facility (14 beds) and Milbridge Residence (6 beds) both facilities are dully licensed through the DHHS Assisted Living Program and the Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse.
Community Support Programs - Support approximately 50 people with intellectual disabilities with services designed to help them remain in their communities and prevent their institutionalization. Induvidually designed services were delivered by direct support professionals, tailored to increase each recipients ability to successfully engage in inclusive social community relationships and to maintain and develop skills that support health and well-being. The focus is on community inclusion, personal development and supporting areas of daily living skills as necessary. Services were delivered in the communities surrounding Calais, Machias and Cherryfield Maine.
Community Caring Collaborative - A nurturing collaboration that expands resources and increases hope, health and wellbeing for vunerable community members in Washington County Maine. The collaboratives works include, convening with groups that specifically on the work of mitigating the effects of poverty, a bridging program for babies affected by neonatal abstinence syndrome, family futures down-east for building family academic success and self self sufficiency, early childhood consultation and outreach (ECCO) provides low cost effective support for children in various enviornments and who need addditonal supports or skills, & trainings for bridging programs provided trainings to approximately 700 individuals, non-training services were provided to over 1,000 individuals.
Mental Health Services - Clients learn skills, increase their self-awareness and wellness, and are linked to services which enable them to live and work at their highest potential and meet their personal goals. Services provided include case management, daily living services and out patient counseling.
Program Management - Supports Various Local Non-Profit entities through administrative support services.
Dental Program - Providing free dental services to the underserved population of Washington County Maine through the use of the Tooth-Fairy mobile dental vehicle.
Youth Matters 2 ME