Program areas at Sunshine Communities / Sunshine Inc Residential & Support Services
To achieve this mission, Sunshine's Residential & vocational Services offers a wide array of Services and supports for men, women and children with developmental disabilities and their loved ones. Over the last year, Sunshine Residential and vocational Services supported more than 230 individuals with developmental disabilities, including those that reside in intermediate care facilities (icfs), in waiver family care homes, in a person's own home and in vocational settings. Over the last several years, Sunshine Residential Services has also begun supporting more children residentially. Currently 17 children with complex needs call Sunshine their home. Continued on schedule omany of the individuals we Support have complex medical and mental health conditions. For that reason, Sunshine's Residential and vocational Services also offers both medical and clinical Services that include nursing care, as well as, speech, occupational and physical therapy. These Services are offered in a variety of adaptive settings, including Sunshine's therapeutic pool. Sunshine also offers unique Support for people dependent on ventilators, enabling them to live in a home setting rather than a hospital or similar medical facility, and encouraging them to be active in the community around them. The way Sunshine staff and leadership provide these Services and supports is critical. Decisions are guided by person-centered planning, an individual's choice, as well as, the call to create community, a mission rooted in the values of empathy, mutuality, spirituality, integrity, and stewardship.highlights for 2023: highlights in 2023 for Sunshine's Residential programs include the following:- we began a large scale hvac and home renovation project for our base facility. Through this, we have been able to renovate three homes, including adding more accessible tubs for individuals in the bathrooms, new flooring, painting and new cabinets. We were also able to replace the flooring and wallpaper in the main hallways and offices. - in the summer of 2023, we completed kitchen renovations in our vanderbilt, laskey and cypress homes. Our vanderbilt home also received new flooring throughout, as well as, painting and new furnishings. - at the main campus, we replaced all of the fencing. This created a consistent look across the campus and extended backyards for individuals. - in october of 2023, the vocational program was selected to participate in a pilot through the dodd to improve outcomes and move towards more community based Services. This pilot provided funds for a full time person to focus on programming, as well as, funds for staff training and technology to enhance programming. With the pilot funds, we purchased an obie interactive projection system. - as part of our strategic planning, we created a comprehensive care model that addressed needs for the individuals we Support. Through this plan, we identified strengthening connections, ways to improve overall health and wellness, higher levels of employee competency and improvements in vocational programming as needs. This allowed us to create objectives and an overall plan to guide us in 2023 and 2024.