Program areas at SHF
Pediatric mental Health grants we provided seven proactive grants to address the need for increasing treatment resources, providers, or accessibility preventation efforts and enhancing communication around pediatric mental Health in the upper peninsula of Michigan. Grant programs included improving access to mental Health services, creation of a day treatment program for youth, a universal school-based mental Health screening program, supporting a youth wellness task force across the entire upper peninsula, a up-teach hub for training and technical support for mental Health services, a regional behavioral Health education hub, and establishment of the upper peninsula behavioral Health network.
Indigent care grants we provided four indigent care grants to help organizations across the upper peninsula help residents who would not be able to afford to pay for medical services they need. Areas supported include behavioral Health and skill acquistion servcies, addiction and recovery services, medical transportation services, and hospice care.
Fall and spring grants we awarded 20 spring and fall grants in 2023. Grant funds were used to engage local students in growing fresh vegetables through indoor agriculture, provide additional capacity to expand the non-emergent medical care transportation program, purchase and implement disinfection equipment at a local veterans facility, create a sensory calming room for youth, assist with the installation of a walking path for rehab patients, fund a recreation experience program for older adults, create a community garden, and expand a teen mental Health first aid program.