Program areas at SELF
Providing home repairs, home rehabilitation, construction to enable home access for the disabled, and financial assistance to prevent eviction, foreclosure, and utility shutoff
SELF helps low-income residents of Butler County maintain self-sufficiency through a combination of employment, education, emergency and personal empowerment assistance. Services include job transportation, job search, interview-quality clothing, educational counseling, construction training, and education-related transportation. SELF also administers an IDA (Individual Development Account) program to enable qualifying individuals to obtain funding for a home, post-secondary education or business start-up costs. SELF provides education and micro loans to individuals who wish to start micro businesses and provides home repairs to low-income homeowners. Through JOBS NOW!,SELF provides holistic support to help individuals obtain/maintain employment through a goal-oriented plan, and Getting Ahead classes assist in developing life skills necessary to escape poverty.
SELF also provides assistance to low-income individuals and families in meeting the home energy costs. This is done through payment of utility bills and reconnection fees, supplying air conditioners and fans, and referral services.