Program areas at Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted
Seng conferences - seng provides different opportunities for the Gifted community to attend live conference events. There are three kinds of seng conferences: the annual conference, mini conferences, and live online conferences. Each summer, seng provides an annual conference for all interested parties who might be interested in learning more about giftedness across a life span. Seng also offers regional one day conferences and online conferences.
Senginars - seng provides the Gifted community with access to experts through webinars. Every other week, an expert will present valuable information on a selected topic for one hour. After each presentation, the presenter will answer questions from the live audience. All senginars are recorded and placed into the senginar library where they can be purchased or rented.
Seng community groups (scg) - scg are designed to connect parents of Gifted children in a group setting, led by two trained facilitators, to engage in discussions around what it means to raise Gifted children. the groups bring together 10-20 parents of Gifted and talented children to discuss such topics as common characteristics, motivation, peer relationships, and much more. the co-facilitators of these groups have been trained by master facilitators to handle the discussions in a way such that all voices are heard and acknowledged.
(expenses $17,063 including grants of $0) (revenue $52,501)membership - seng focuses on providing help and resources to Gifted individuals, families, and communities across the globe. Our membership program offers additional support and resources, as well as discounts on other programs and services, to members of the community who support our mission. (expenses $13,900 including grants of $0) (revenue $25,286)continuing education credits - as a member of the apa (american psychological association), seng is licensed to provide continuing education credits to mental health providers and any other interested parties seeking a better understanding of the social and Emotional wellbeing of Gifted individuals from all walks of life. (expenses $714 including grants of $0) (revenue $1,888)publications - seng publications maintains a publicly accessible library on our website. With more than 500 articles, the library provides resources for the seng community on a wide range of topics including education, equity, social/emotional development, Gifted elders, and much more(expenses $556 including grants of $0) (revenue $0)liaison program - seng liaisons promote seng's vision, mission, and services in their states. They model effective partnerships between seng, state Gifted associations, and other professional groups interested in the Emotional Needs of the Gifted. Liaisons are a personal contact point for seng in each state, help with marketing and promotion of seng programs, and participate in planning seng's annual and mini-conferences.