Program areas at Sustainable Connections
The cloud mountain farm center works to provide educational opportunities for new and existing farmers and community members trough workshops, internships, and educational materials. Cloud mountain serves as a food hub by bringing together farmers to build production and marketing opportunities, conducts reaches focusing on plants best adapted to the pnw, and disseminates the information to regional farmers.
The energy efficiency & renewables program strengthens the local economy through the efficient use of clean, renewable, and secure energy. We provide each participating business with vetted information, a full energy assessment, a customized energy action plan detailing cost-effective measures, assistance with utility and tax rebates, reliable contractors, and quality assurance to help them save energy and cut costs with cutting-edge upgrades and the latest incentives.
The food & farming program is creating a vibrant local food economy by supporting local farmers, connecting food buyers to local farms and artisans, and encouraging our community to always eat local first. By marketing local food-producing businesses to the public, we are strengthening our local economy, helping lower our environmental impact (climate footprint of non-locally produced food), and encouraging healthy nutrition for our community.
Toward zero waste (including the food recovery program) program helps businesses reduce the amount of waste they produce and the amount of waste they divert from landfill by providing technical assistance and education to businesses, creating impactful public information campaigns, and working with key collaborative community partners. Our food recovery program integrates an innovative food aid model into our long-standing toward zero waste program to help feed community members experiencing hunger.
The housing & smart growth program is the backbone agency for the whatcom housing alliance. This program encompasses several efforts toward affordable and smart-growth housing, including member collaboration to build an affordable, healthy, equitable, thriving, and inclusive community.
The think local first program supports local businesses by promoting them to the public through collective marketing and special community events throughout the year. The program educates the community in the role of local businesses in community development, environmental stewardship, and strengthening our local economy.