Program areas at Sustainable Farming Association of Minnesota
Farmer-to-farmer networking, education, demonstration and research to advance and support improved soil health, environmental stewardship, economic resilience and strong and diverse rural communities in minnesota.advancing soil health is foundational for sfa. We believe healthy soil is key to addressing current economic, social, and environmental challenges on the agricultural landscape. That belief is grounded in the fact that soil biology is largely influenced by agricultural production practices such as tillage, use of fertilizers, chemicals and herbicides and tilling. Productive, regenerative agriculture is based on a healthy soil biology. Soil microbial populations mediate 85-90% of soil function. Sfa's soil health education programs are founded on 6 key soil health principles, 4 of which are adopted by the natural resource conservation service 1) minimize soil disturbance; 2) keep healthy roots in the soil; 3) increase cropland and pastureland plant diversity; 4) keep soil covered; 5) integrate livestock; 6) consider each grower's operational context.sfa's educational and mentoring programs are a mix of field days, educational workshops, on-site field demonstrations, on-farm consultations and farm mentoring. We also participate in presentations and public meetings that encourage increased farmer proficiency in rotational grazing and livestock management, crop rotations, nutrient cycling and farmland productivity and profitability.since june of 2021 sfa has been working with the usda to promote the Minnesota agricultural water quality certification program (mawqcp) a voluntary opportunity for farmers and agricultural landowners to take the lead in implementing conservation practices that protect our water. Through our many public presentations promotional messages to members has played an important role in recruiting more than 1,500 agricultural landowners and renters to become certified.sfa's soil health network has continued to grow both in number of participants (1,300+), and educational content. It includes an information-rich website with case studies, instructional videos, an events calendar and sign up for consultations. This service is recognized by Sustainable ag producers, conventional farmers, researchers, and educators as a highly regarded source of credible information on soil health practices. Sfa partners with the Minnesota institute of Sustainable agriculture, mn farmers union, university of Minnesota extension, the umn forever green initiative, nrcs and swcd, the Minnesota department of agriculture, and a number of other allied organizations to extend the reach of soil health education. Sfa's podcast series dirt rich" launched in 2020, offers a widely accessible library of 50 episodes featuring educational interviews with practitioners and ag experts on a wide range of topics relating to regenerative Farming and soil health.
To support Minnesota's dairy farmers, sfa works with mdi, the Minnesota dairy initiative, providing on-farm technical assistance to a number of dairy farmers around Minnesota on a range of milk production, grazing and livestock management issues. Sfa also continued in 2022 as the Minnesota administrative partner of the national dairy grazing apprenticeship (dga) program, recruiting new apprentices and matching them with "master graziers", with whom they work during a 2 year intensive educational and hands-on work program. Their apprentiecship results in a certificate and advancement as a journeyperson, recognized as such by the u.s. department of labor.
Farmer and rancher outreach/chapter and network development. These programs are core to sfa's farmer-to-farmer network, serving as the umbrella for sfa chapter activities including its annual conference, midwest soil health summit and chapter festivals that connect growers with eaters. Sfa partners with misa, the regional Sustainable development partnership, the Minnesota department of agriculture, and several other groups working to make Farming and ranching more accessible to immigrant and traditionally underserved people in Minnesota who are interested in making a living on the land. Activities at sfa's 10 chapers include a variety of workshops, field days, demonstration and gatherings of farmers, educators, food advocates and community leaders to advance Sustainable Farming and regenerative agrictultural practices and advancethe economic health of our rural communities. Sfa's four networking groups, organized around issues of common concern, include the midwest garlic growers; environmental services livestock, crow wing river basin forage council, and the twin cities growers network. Each group gathers throughout the year, hosting educational field days and networking events. Sfa also partners with renewing the countryside on its farmland access hub, to help emerging farmers navigate the challenging journey toward farm ownership.