Program areas at SVHome
Sv@homSvhomeme paves the way for local and regional solutions to santa clara county's housing crisis by working to streamline the housing development process, identify land opportunities, increase funding for new affordable homes, and change the conversation around housing and affordable housing. To accomplish this work, we join with community members, philanthropic, nonprofit, and business leaders, elected officials, and developers to leverage our resources, magnify our voices, and advance collaborative solutions to California's housing crisis.see schedule o for continuation.learn policy and researchsv@home provides opportunities for community members and interested persons to learn more about affordable housing. Through regular communication, using social media, earned media, and e-news, sv@homSvhomeme publishes information about housing topics, current issues, and new solutions. Additionally, sv@homSvhomeme collects data, information, and best practices, and conducts original research to educate people about the affordable housing challenge, the progress that has been made in meeting our housing construction goals, and successful ways to respond. Lastly, sv@homSvhomeme leads the conversation around affordable housing to raise awareness, debunk myths, and change the dialogue. Act advocacysv@home advocates for local, regional, and state policies and programs that increase the housing supply for people at all income levels, with a focus on lower-income families and individuals. Working together with our partners, sv@homSvhomeme convenes a broad coalition to support progressive policies that increase the supply of affordable housing, preserve the existing affordable housing stock, and help current residents stay in the communities they call home. The ultimate goal of our advocacy is to provide an opportunity for all people in santa clara county to have access to affordable housing, enhancing our quality of life and providing a foundation for equal opportunity, diversity, and livability.engage meetings and eventssv@home hosts lunchtime forums, roundtables, networking events, and special event meetings that offer community members, elected officials, city staff, developers, financial professionals, nonprofit partners, and corporate employees the opportunity to collaborate around housing solutions. In addition to regular events throughout the year, sv@homSvhomeme convenes santa clara county's affordable housing month annually, a series of events hosted by sv@homSvhomeme and community partners each may. As a result of sv@home's broad outreach, these events foster new partnerships and collaborative efforts around an issue that affects everyone.