Program areas at Sylacauga Alliance for Family Enhancement
Education and training bridges - 21st century community learning centers - the bridges program provides youth development activities to youngsters in the Sylacauga community who are ages 5-14 (grades kindergarten - 8th). As a primary prevention program, it is designed to equip youth and families with the resiliency skills to make healthy life choices while providing safe, quality, after-hours day care for youngsters for the 21st century bridges programs and youth for the at risk bridges program. An academic coordinator, academic coach, and academic assistants implement the after school and summer programs. The programs are housed at indian valley elementary school, comer elementary school, graham elementary, salter elementary, and houston elementary school for the 21st century learning center and the at risk program is housed at nichols lawson middle school. The mission of the bridges programs, Sylacauga's vehicle to becoming a community of promise, is to provide the five basic resources outlined through america's promise. The five resources provide a framework of developmental assets that youths need to become competent, responsible, and caring adults and are as follows: a) on-going relationships with caring adults, b) safe places and structured activities, c) a healthy start for a healthy future, d) marketable skills through effective education, and e) opportunities to serve. Strengthening families through expanded and enhanced learning possibilities (elp) a collaborative initiative of the Alabama department of human resources and the Alabama department of child and abuse neglect prevention (adcanp the children's trust fund) providing educational enrichment activities during afterschool and summer school, with a focus on stem engagement, the social and emotional needs of Alabama's children, and parental and Family involvement. Programs will be implemented that focus on education and training as a key to helping families and creating a stronger economy with an attainment goal to ensure that our students and workforce have a high-quality certificate, credential, or degree and beyond.
Workforce development snap/a-reset this program assists snap participants to gain skills, training or work experience to increase their ability to obtain regular employment for economic self- sufficiency. Snap/a-reset is part of the workforce ready initiative. Workforce ready! Strengthening families through fathers the primary goal of this program is to provide access to educational opportunities, create pathways to sustainable employment and to promote the father's involvement in the children's lives and compliance with child support. This program is targeted to serve fathers referred by dhr for non-compliance with child support. These fathers participate in paid training and the program helps the fathers obtain and sustain employment. Workforce innovation opportunity act (wioa) this program provides academic instruction, case management, guidance and counseling, tutoring, employability skills/job readiness training and post-secondary preparation for young adults ages 16-24 who meet the workforce innovation opportunity act out-of-school eligibility requirements. Partners in the program include central Alabama community college, and talladega career center. Reality work center the reality work center provides instruction to participants in the areas of work maturity, pre-employment skills, literacy skills, and computer skills. Participants are exposed to comprehensive counseling and job mentoring by the case managers and assistant case managers. An individualized plan of instruction is devised for each participant with emphasis in educational and employment goal setting. Each program participant will be allowed up to six months of intensive case management through instruction and mentoring, as well as continuing follow-up throughout the program year. Funds for this program are from central Alabama community college.
Family support services home instruction program for parents of preschool youngsters (hippy) a primary prevention program, hippy, targets families of three-, four- and five-year-olds, and is designed to ensure and strengthen Family bonding, enhance school readiness, and empower parents to improve the quality of life within their families. This program is delivered by paraprofessionals hired from the service community who are trained to assist participating parents in implementing the nationally recognized and researched-based hippy curriculum. The hippy program builds on the basic bond between parents and children and, through role-playing with paraprofessionals, parents practice the weekly activities provided through this intervention component. Group meetings are provided as a vehicle for the development of parenting skills training and support group interaction. The darr Family foundation also provides curriculum and program materials for this program. Family preservation - dhr the Family preservation program is supported by the state of Alabama department of human resources (dhr) promoting safe and stable families program grant which provides funds to prevent the unnecessary separation of children from their families, improve the quality of care and services to children and their families, and ensure permanency for children by reuniting them with their parents, by adoption or by another permanent living arrangement. The program includes Family support, Family preservation, Family reunification, and adoption promotion and support services. Parents as teachers parents as teachers is a home visitation program that supports and encourages parents to help their children develop during the crucial early years of life. Parents as teachers provide support to pregnant women, mothers, fathers, and other caregivers of children, from before birth to 5 years old. Enrollment of a child older than 3 years must allow at least two years of service before entering kindergarten. The program support is provided at no cost to the participating families in their homes. The support includes parenting and Family enrichment activities, activities, books, and learning materials for families with children under age 5, bi-weekly home visits that include vision, hearing and developmental screenings, guidance to set and achieve personal and Family goals, support through connections with other families in monthly group meetings, referrals to resources for families, links to community resources, fun activities for the whole Family and free prenatal support. Funding for the program is provided through the Alabama department of children's affairs to the Alabama network of Family resource centers, of which safe is a member. The darr Family foundation also provides materials and training for this program. Pathways/juvenile diversion the pathways/juvenile diversion program focuses on creating an alternative to juvenile court processing through an individualized, strengths-based, advocacy framework that is comprehensive, specific and appropriate for the youth being served by engaging and supporting the Family through the provision of parenting education and support utilizing the evidence-based curriculum parent project; youth resiliency training utilizing the researched based why try curriculum; as well as case management services utilizing the check and connect methodology. Parenting education and support - child resiliency interactive bonding (crib) the crib program is a primary prevention program that promotes parent/child bonding while deterring child abuse and neglect; that will include pre-natal and post-natal hospital visits and in-home follow-up visits to parents of infants 0-6 weeks of age. Through the hospital visitation component of the program parent packets are presented to each Family of a newborn. Included in the packets will be a children's book provided by the crib program as well as pertinent information regarding parenting classes, brain development, and shaken baby syndrome. At the safe Family services center, parenting classes are available on a weekly basis to provide parents with information on a variety of topics related to successful parenting. A variety of parenting curriculums are used for the on-site classes and to provide instruction to parents within the home setting. The crib coordinator is trained in the parents as teachers, active parenting today, making parenting a pleasure, motheread, Family connections, building strong families, right from birth, born to learn, door-to-door guiding good choices, and the facts Family and child training system curriculums. Alabama healthy marriage and relationship education initiative this initiative is a partnership with auburn university that leverages community support for the delivery of relationship/marriage training in an effort to build and sustain healthy relationships as well as stable marriages throughout Alabama. Premarital and marriage enrichment classes are available. Classes are also provided to youth in high school to promote healthy relationships. Turning point turning point provides an effective, after-school, in-home intervention/prevention program that is designed specifically for families of strong-willed and/or out-of-control youth between the ages of 11 and 17. The youth are identified as those who have been brought to the attention of school systems, juvenile courts, the county facilitation teams, as well as other referral sources located in talladega county, Alabama. Additionally, it is the intent of this project, through responsiveness to the unique and diverse strengths of youth and families, to provide a comprehensive program of child abuse and neglect prevention. This program implements a research-based curriculum that teaches concrete identification, prevention and intervention strategies to parents of strong-willed or out-of-control youth. Arch (Alabama rural coalition for the homeless, Inc.) supportive housing program safe provides supportive services that enable program participants (homeless individuals with a documented disability) to maintain stable housing, addressing their social services and treatment needs, build skills, and enhance their ability to make decisions about their lives.
Transportation Sylacauga's public on-time transportation (s.p.o.t.) S.p.o.t. Is managed day-to-day through the safe Family services center with the city of Sylacauga designated as the grantee of the program. Public transportation is available to residents of Sylacauga and the surrounding areas. The purpose is to enhance access of individuals in non-urbanized areas to health care, shopping, education, employment, public services, and recreation; and to bring affordable transportation to all persons in the community.
Dance and performing arts dance and performing arts the southern dance & performing arts company is a safe haven for the children of safe's community providing dance and fitness in school and in after school programs. Children have been able to develop their unique talents in an environment set with highly qualified educators with a mission to develop and train the complete performer.
Agriscience Sylacauga grows Sylacauga grows is a community project that encourages community members and leaders to work together during economically challenging times toward a common mission to grow specialty crops and healthy communities through farming and education. Objectives of the Sylacauga grows project are to provide fresh vegetables to unemployed, disabled and low income families needing assistance with daily food needs; to create a comprehensive initiative that provides experiences to educate the community about farming, gardening, food, and nutrition; and to teach entrepreneurial skills to better equip youth and adults with additional employment skills by providing a comprehensive volunteer program.
Other program services through funds from the city of Sylacauga, central Alabama community college, Sylacauga utilities board, and donations, other programs are provided at safe, which are as follows: - city of Sylacauga and other the city of Sylacauga and other category is comprised of funding from the city of Sylacauga, united way and other local programs to provide services from safe to assist families to access basic needs that might include food, clothing, shelter and transportation; to provide educational opportunities in collaboration with other educational agencies in the city; to provide parent education and support; job training; and referral/support services to all agencies in the area for such issues as health, domestic violence, child care, transportation, etc.- Sylacauga's promise 100 best communities in the nation for youth is a part of Alabama's and america's promise. America's promise was founded after the president's summit for america's future in 1997 by general colin powell. Through Sylacauga's promise-the Alliance for youth, safe's community recognizes the promise in each young person. Through this, Sylacauga acts on its promise to put children first. Sylacauga must provide all of Sylacauga's children with the minimum requirements they need to grow up to be confident, self-reliant and contributing members of safe's community. In launching Sylacauga's promise, safe commits to mobilizing the community in support of children and youth, by creating an atmosphere to provide all five promises to every child. The five promises are as follows: 1) caring adults, 2) safe places, 3) healthy start and future, 4) marketable skills through effective education, and 5) opportunities to give back through community service.- safe's adult education learning center is committed to strengthening Sylacauga and the surrounding communities by providing an individualized, caring approach to learning for all adult students who desire assistance in attaining many of their life goals. Individuals and families become stronger when they choose a pathway to increasing skill levels, gaining viable employment, attaining a ged, and practicing sound life-skills.- together the Sylacauga utilities board, the city council, and the safe Family services center provide citizens the opportunity to donate through designation on their utilities bill, money to assist deserving members of safe's community who need assistance paying their utilities. The safe Family services center manages project: help and distributes the proceeds to families in the community.- the Sylacauga utilities board has contracted with safe Family services center to provide Sylacauga utility funds and the energy conservation education program for Sylacauga utilities customers. These funds have been made available to be used for crisis and emergency situations; for example, a health problem affecting income or a layoff. The maximum financial contribution to be considered is $250 every six months per household. Eligibility determination for utility relief funds is the responsibility of safe.- senior services program provides extensive outreach services to locate those most in need of assistance, provides case management services, and provides opportunities to individuals aged 60 and over, including group events designed to increase awareness in areas such as crime, accident prevention, personnel enrichment, crafts, community services, health promotion, etc. - mckinney-vento program is designed to address the problems that homeless children and youth face enrolling, attending, and succeeding in school. Under this program, each homeless child has equal access to the same free public education, including public preschool education, as other children and youth. Homeless children should have access to educational services that they need to enable them to meet the same academic achievement standards to which all students are held. In addition, homeless students may not be separated from the mainstream school environment. Safe serves as the coordinator and facilitator to assure access to these resources from children and families referred by the Sylacauga city schools.- get healthy talladega county is a countywide initiative created by a cross-section of health care, business and education professionals seeking to improve the quality of life in their county. This marks the beginning of a comprehensive effort to help all of talladega county lead a healthier lifestyle. Whether it is a healthier mind, body, or spirit, this initiative will provide the tools to help and will be an evolving and growing series of programs as well as serving as a resource center for a healthier you.