Program areas at Science Academies of New York Charter Schools
REGULAR EDUCATION: The Science Academies of New York Charter Schools' (The Schools) curriculum is focused on mathematics, science, and technology. The Schools seek to graduate students who can think critically and creatively, who are committed to a lifetime of learning and civic involvement, and who are conscious of local, global, and environmental issues. All courses are aligned to the New York State Learning Standards.
FOOD SERVICE: The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 main goal is to improve child nutrition. The Science Academies of New York Charter Schools (The Schools) participate in the National School Lunch Program to provide our students grades K-12 healthy options for breakfast and lunch. This program is offered to all students to promote wellness, prevent and reduce childhood obesity, and encourage students to make healthy choices. Eating nutritious meals daily will help students improve academically and also improve children's lifelong eating and physical activity habits. Participating in the National School Lunch Program also provides nutritionally balanced, low-cost or free lunches to every student each school day. The Schools' goal is to ensure all students including low-income households receive the same nutritional value regardless of their financial situation.
SPECIAL EDUCATION: The Science Academies of New York Charter Schools (The Schools) are open to all children and does not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, national origin, gender, disability, or any other grounds that would be unlawful or deny the civil rights of any individual. In accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the Rehabilitation Act, Section 504, and the Americans with Disabilities Act, the School provides a free and appropriate education, in the least restrictive environment to students with disabilities. The primary service delivery for students with special needs is inclusion. Services for students requiring supplemental services are provided by the Syracuse, Utica, and Rochester City School Districts.
EXTRA CURRICULAR: These are the activities that are offered to the students beyond the regular/special education services. Extracurricular activities would enrich the students' lives by giving them an opportunity to explore their physical, creative, social, political, and career interests. SAS funds some of the extracurricular activities and some other activities are funded by fundraising which are done by students/parents/teachers.