Program areas at Tall Ships America
The Tall Ships challenge series of international sailing races, cruises, and maritime festivals is organized by the American Sail Training Association (asta) in cooperation with great lakes, atlantic and pacific coast port cities in the us and canada. These Tall Ships are crewed by young people and adults engaged in Sail Training programs under the supervision of captains & professional crew members. Maritime festivals in each host port give visitors a chane to board the vessels, meet the crew and trainees, and experience the rich maritime heritage that these Ships represent. During the summer, the fleet travels from port to port as the centerpiece of the host cities maritime festivals. Between port events, asta organizes races, cruises in company, and crew exchanges to provide fun and friendly interactions between the vessels, encouraging
Member services - membership of asta provides support for the work of Sail Training vessels and programs of education under Sail. A very important factor in our growth over the years has been attributed to the strenghth of astas membership. Asta has many different levels of membership and without the support of the members, the development and implementation of the program, publications, and resources would not be possible. As an asta member, you are joining one of the fastest growing Sail Training communities in the world and may enjoy many of the benefits that go along with it, including things such as: a copy of Sail Tall Ships which lists many vessel programs available to the general public; a subscription to erunning free, astas monthly newsletter which keeps members informed of issues and events affecting Sail Training; discounts for members
Conferences & forums - astas annual conference on Sail Training and Tall Ships gathers Ships masters and crewmembers, port representatives and festival managers, public officials, marine suppliers, naval architects, preservationists, environmentalists, program administrators and educators for an insprational and informatonal 3-day conference. Topics concerning vessels operations, regulatory issues, management, educational programming, and safety at sea are addressed each year, as are sessions on media relations, marketing, funding, communications, and port event organizations. Normally held annually during november, the asta conference is both fun and informative and offers oceans of networking opportunities.