Program areas at Tazwood Center for Wellness
Mental Health services Tazwood Mental Health Center is an important element of the health-care delivery system the tazewell, woodford, logan and surrounding counties rely on every day. It is committed to providing quality Health care and to using its resources to the greatest community benefit. During 2023, Tazwood Mental Health Center served 3,840 unique individuals. The organization provided 66,090 services for the same time period to the various populations it serves, with 7,638 bed days and 58,452 outpatient services. The psychiatric service program provides individual psychotherapy, psychiatry services, and medication monitoring for clients with a Mental illness. The outpatient substance use disorder program provides drug and alcohol addiction treatment and individual, peer and group counseling to clients with a substance use disorder. The outpatient Mental Health program provides psychotherapy, counseling, and consultation services to clients with a Mental illness and anyone experiencing emotional hardships and struggles. Other supported programs include: case management, supervised residential program, transitional living Center, emergency response services, independent living, supportive housing, toxicology, youth in-school counselor therapy, community support, and hud program to assist with the management and maintenance of those living in permanent supportive housing. These programs are funded by third-party reimbursement, self-pay, Illinois hfs, and by the Illinois department of human services. All services were provided regardless of an individual's race, creed, sex, nationality, age or ability to pay for services rendered. Tazwood Mental Health Center's community based programs received a 90% average score for ly to recommend to others" for 2023.