Program areas at Tbi Warrior Foundation
Rehabilitation and Vocational Counseling Program: This program assists individuals with cognitive, physical, and emotional disabilities identify reasonable accommodations to meet the requirements and needs to integrate into education and/or job placement and retention. This includes on-the-job training and supportive employment. This program served over 500 clients in 2023. TBIWF aided individuals with disabilities in redefining their career and education goals as well as identifying reasonable accommodations helping meet the needs and requirements to facilitate integration towards education and/or job placement and retention. This program successfully provided a wide array of assistive devices to mitigate the effects of cognitive disabilities in work and education environments. It provided over 150 devices in 2023.
Support for Family Caregivers: We provide virtual and in-person support to family caregivers through activities, financial assistance for home health for their care recipient, and/or workshops to improve their ability to care for themselves and their care recipient. This program served over 300 individuals. Respite care served family caregivers. The services included seminars and training to improve the ability to care for themselves and their care recipient. Additionally, we provided coverage for 1,600 hours of home health assistance, educational tools, certifications, and seminars associated with caring for a loved one.
Access to Care: This program provides support to facilitate the access to medical care, rehabilitation programs, and services to improve health and wellbeing. We provide financial assistance to over 400 clients. This program helped to cover the cost of factors that inhibit the person with a disability or the family caregiver from receiving the medical care they need. We also sponsor activities that promote physical, cognitive, or mental healing. This service covered a variety of approaches to meet the needs of the applicants, specifically to facilitate access to medical care, medical supplies, and rehabilitation. The Access to Care assistance included: Transportation for medical purposes (i.e. ambulance, Uber, gas), reimbursement for medical expenses (i.e. co-pays, therapies), medical supplies provided (i.e. adult diapers, pads), medical equipment (ie. Braces, beds, wheelchairs), accessibility, and safety (i.e. ramps, shower bars, robotic utensils).
Veterans and Caregiver Groups: This program served approximately 150 individuals. The program aims to be a platform of peer and professional support for Veterans and their Family Caregivers. This program conducts 2 separate groups on a monthly basis: 1. Veterans, 2. Family Caregivers. In these groups participants build community among each other. Also, they learn about other available community resources. Additionally, these groups provide activities (art and music) to help them cope with their challenges. These groups also served as a platform to provide classes, such as gun safety, productive lifestyle after disability, and mental health self-care. Our group model has been very successful and TBIWF is being sought by other organizations to collaborate in the establishment of other groups in the community.