Program areas at Teaching Artists Guild
As a community-led organization, TAG is an organization with a sociocratic, shared-power model. Currently, the day-to-day operations are run by two Co-Executive Directors. However, the majority of our programming is made through our National Advisory Committee (NAC). "The National Advisory Committee (NAC) is a working group that collaborates with the Co-Executive Directors on the strategic direction and mission of the organization. NAC members are expected to act as ambassadors for the field and the organization in a variety of networks and events. They have an interest in supporting the professionalization of the field for teaching artists and uniting teaching artists nationally and internationally. Members of the NAC are asked to join at least one working committee, which meets via video conference monthly (or as determined by committee). The time commitment for each committee membership is 6-8 hours per quarter. Starting in 2022, term limits for active NAC members are 3 years. After a member's term ends, they can remain on the NAC as an Emeritus member, participating in quarterly meetings but not required to sit on a subcommittee. Historically, the NAC has been co-chaired by two members. Moving forward in 2022, the NAC will have four Co-Chairs who each lead one of the NAC's sub-committees (Advocacy & Outreach, Communications, Finance, and Knowledge). The four NAC Co-Chairs also make up the Operations Committee in partnership with the Co-Executive Directors and help make decisions about the day to day operations of the organization. Key Responsibilities include: Lead one sub-committee, including scheduling meetings, managing members, taking minutes, and reporting back to the NAC at quarterly meetings; Sit on the operations committee and meet monthly with the Co-Executive Directors; Act as thought leaders and decision makers with the Co-Executive Directors on the day to day operations of the organization; and Co-chairs must commit to this position for at least one fiscal year, with the opportunity to continue afterwards. Our website also includes the Pay Rate Calculator; TAG Asset Map, which acts as a roster for teaching artists to find hiring organizations and vice versa; job board; resource databases for curriculums, social justice tools, advocacy initiatives, and regional networks for teaching artists to connect with; professional development listings; event listings; and articles written by and for teaching artists and our national conference ""Our Shared Future"" this past April 2022." During the pandemic, TAG, alongside partners across the country, developed "Listening Tours" (a facilitated open conversation to gather information, insight, values, context, and new ideas from teaching artists) in several localities and communities across the nation. The goal was to center teaching artists and further the field. By bringing teaching artists of local communities to the table, hiring organizations can understand the nuances of their values, how they define their assets, and what they identify as their challenges and needs. Learning all this allows the collective of teaching artist associations to deepen their support of and advocacy for the field. From these tours, TAG and partners co-created a "break up letter" to arts organizations across the country in order to better advocate for teaching artists' needs, especially in this new post-pandemic landscape. Membership is free for teaching artists across the states to sign up and create a profile.