Program areas at Team Pennsylvania Foundation
Tourism and economic development programsin partnership with dced, Team Pennsylvania manages several programs that promote tourism and economic development. Programs that support tourism include a creative production for a seasonal tourism campaign, a government-to-business campaign that includes a creative production focused on priority industries, and a site selector program that includes strategic sponsorships and metro missions. Programs that support economic development provide support for marketing, technical assistance, consulting engagements, collateral material development, trade shows and other activities.
Policy activities: cross-sector collaboration and competitivenessteam Pennsylvania's work is focused on key high-growth economic opportunities for Pennsylvania in agriculture, energy, and manufacturing. In each area, Team Pennsylvania convenes cross-sector collaboratives that bring together leaders from industry, government, organized labor, nonprofits, and academia to create the conditions for innovative, technological, and market-driven solutions. These networks are designed to mobilize and sustain the long-term, public-private commitment needed to realize the economic opportunities in these high-growth sectors in the commonwealth.
Decarbonization network of appalachia (dna) hydrogen hubteam Pennsylvania joined industry partners to establish the decarbonization network of appalachia hydrogen hub (dna h2hub). The dna h2 hub represents a collective vision for emissions reduction and economic revitalization driven by increased gdp, the creation of new family-sustaining jobs, and new business opportunities for local supply chains. Team Pennsylvania serves as the primary applicant for funding from the u.s. department of energy to establish this hub in the tri-state area of Pennsylvania, west Virginia, and Ohio.
Eda statewide economic development planning grantusing funds from a federal eda statewide planning grant, Team Pennsylvania is focusing on the following three activities: leading, convening, and planning activities in energy, a critical industry sector that has been identified as benefitting from investment and planning; supporting the Pennsylvania manufacturing advisory council and issuing a comprehensive playbook for manufacturing in the commonwealth; and conducting a literature review, equity audit, and gap analysis for Pennsylvania's comprehensive economic development strategy (ceds).
Early learning investment commissionthe early learning investment commission (elic) was created by executive order 2008-08 to build a partnership between the public sector and business community on the value of public investment in early learning, focusing on practices that are educationally, economically and scientifically sound. Elic seeks to identify public-private strategies dedicated to supporting and advancing Pennsylvania's early learning and economic development through selected projects.
Governor's residence supportteam Pennsylvania provides support to the governor's residence, including events and activities that recognize the efforts and accomplishments of employees at the residence.
International business supportteam Pennsylvania supports dced's office of international business development (oibd) in their efforts to increase Pennsylvania exports and secure foreign direct investment.
Digital literacyteam Pennsylvania provides support for the creation of the first statewide digital literacy badging system for both k-12 learners and adults through the workforce development system and convenes a statewide network to expand and elevate digital literacy across Pennsylvania.