Program areas at Tennessee Valley Public Power Association
The principal, or primary program service is to provide, through both tvppa personnel and volunteer efforts of municipal and cooperative electric system managers with tvppa staff support, the following: consultation, advice, and representation through expert professional assistance to the association's members in their ongoing relationships with tva with respect to terms and conditions of contracts, rates, conservation programs, and other matters to aid and facilitate the municipal and cooperative electric member utilities in achieving their objective to sell electric energy and Power to the ultimate consumer ratepayer at the lowest feasible rate.
A third area of the association's primary activities is communication in both written and electronic form, as well as in the media, with its members and their key staff, Public officials, policymakers and the general Public with regard to the activities of municipal cooperative electric systems in the tva region, development of national interest affecting the operations of municipal and cooperative nonprofit electric systems, technical advances, and Public policy developments affecting the electric energy industry, particularly in the tva region.
A second major organization member program is the offering of educational and professional development, training and instruction to advance the professional development of employees of the association's members and others in the industry whose occupational responsibilities are in disciplines such as engineering, operations, finance, accounting, human resources and management services.