Program areas at Texas Land Trust Council
Education :Texas Land Trust Council advocates to promote the many public benefits of collective conservation work and to increase public and private funding and support for conservation efforts. The Texas Land conservation conference is the preeminent statewide meeting for anyone working or interested in the field of Land and water conservation, including nonprofit organizations, private landowners, government staff, volunteers, businesses, and agency partners. The annual three-day conference attracts 300 attendees and brings in experts from around the state and nation to provide an exceptional opportunity for shared learning and engagement in order to advance Land and water conservation in Texas.
Technical and financial assistance: Texas Land Trust Council seeks to provide relevant conservation related tools, assistance, and information to Land trusts, landowners, and the general public. These include the tltc conservation lands inventory database and maps of Land Trust conserved lands, the Texas Land Trust Council conservation easement guidebook for landowners, information on the Texas Land Trust coucils website, and the Texas Land Trust Council Land Trust directory. Texas Land Trust Council also provides technical assistance and outreach to advance farm and ranch Land conservation in Texas. In addition, the Texas Land Trust Council transaction matching grants program provides funds to cover costs associated with granting a perpetual conservation easement, to conserve private Land for the public good.
Outreach and advocacy: Texas Land Trust Council advocates to promote the many public benefits of collective conservation work. Land trusts conserve Texas special lands and waters by permanently protecting them from development for the benefit of people, wildlife, and the economy. Texas Land Trust Council works to coordinate Land Trust advocacy at the federal and state level, developing a robust coalition with a unified voice to build strong, sustained support for Land conservation in Texas. To this end, each year tltc hosts an annual Land Trust leaders retreat, the Texas Land Trust assembly, where members gather to strengthen relationships, discuss legislative priorities, and engage with each other on issues that impact Texas Land Trust councils collective work.