Program areas at Texas Muslim Women's Foundation
NON-RESIDENTIAL SERVICES: TMWF provides non-residential services at its outreach office to Domestic Violence (DV) survivors & community members seeking financial assistance or referral services. DV survivors are also provided with Case Management, Counseling, Legal, & Empowerment Services. In 2023, TMWF also received the HUD ARP grant through the City of Plano to assist non-DV and DV clients who are either homeless or facing homelessness with rent & utilities assistance. In 2023, TMWF supported 393 DV survivors and 160 non-DV clients through these programs.
TRANSITIONAL HOUSING & RAPID RE-HOUSING: The Transitional Housing (TH) Program ensures safe & stable housing while empowering clients to become self- sufficient. TMWF provides rent-free housing for up to 18 months, depending on the survivors needs. In 2023, TMWF leased 10 TH units & 3 TH homes which collectively housed 121 survivors. The Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) program enables families & individuals experiencing homelessness due to domestic violence to afford permanent housing for up to 12 months, as well as receive targeted supportive services. Clients receive financial literacy and empowerment through ancillary services & support for partial rent and partial utilities while income eligibility applies under HUD standards. In 2023, RRH services housed 83 survivors.
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SHELTERS: TMWF provides all domestic violence (DV) survivors and their children 24/7 safe accomodation in one of two shelters that are culturally specific for up to 90 days, utilizing the trauma- informed approach. In 2023, TMWF served 186 clients.
OUTREACH PGM.: TMWF collaborates with mainstream service providers & community partners to raise awareness about domestic violence & contribute to domestic violence prevention by highlighting culturally specific issues.
SENIOR HOME: TMWF provides Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) to female seniors who have been abused abandoned, and neglected. The Senior PSH program provides wrap-around services providing safety as well as physical and mental health support to senior women in crisis. The Senior PSH program served 5 women in 2023.
INTERFAITH EDUCATION & YOUTH SERVICES: TMWF provides interfaith education & youth programs to establish goodwill & understanding between all communities in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. These programs include interfaith dialogues & youth programs promoting leadership & training by engaging youth in community services & humanitarian projects.
FOOD FOR GOOD: In 2023, TMWF began collaborating with Break Break Break Borders, a third-party social enterprise in preparation & planning for 2024 offerings of culinary training & catering skills to immigrant women. During a two month training period, participants shall be mentored by professional chefs, restaurants, caterers, and culinary consultants.