Program areas at Texas Organizing Project
Community Organizing expenses: TOP organizes low to moderate income families in Harris, Dallas, and Bexar counties. TOP builds networks of community leaders and broad bases of organized residents, equipping them to win tangible policy changes that improve their communities with resounding effects citywide, countywide and statewide. TOP members focus on issues such as affordable housing, improving neighborhood infrastructure, improving public schools, jobs and job training, affordable health care, criminal justice reform, and immigrants' rights.
Leadership Development expenses: TOP provides on-going leadership development opportunities to its members. Organizers work both one-on-one and in group settings with members to learn effective tools and strategies for planning and leading meetings, campaign planning, power analysis, engaging the media, and increasing voter participation in their neighborhoods.
Increasing Voter Participation expenses: TOP conducts "get out the vote" (GOTV) field programs in low to moderate income neighborhoods in Harris, Dallas, and Bexar counties to increase their participation in the democratic process.