Program areas at Texas PTA - James Bowie Elementary PTA
Support to James Bowie Elementary - The James Bowie PTA supports programs and events at James Bowie Elementary throughout the school year as well as provides funding for programs and learning tools that enhance and enrich the students experience in the classroom.
Capturing Kids Hearts - The James Bowie PTA provided training in the Capturing Kids Hearts program for Bowie Elementary teachers who had not previously received the training. Capturing Kids Hearts is a research-based process to improve the five key indicators of school performance: fewer discipline referrals, improved attendance, higher student achievement, lower dropout rates, and higher teacher satisfaction.
Beautification - The James Bowie PTA is remodeling the Teachers Lounge. The project enhances the functionality and appearance of the lounge to the benefit of the teachers and staff of the school. The project will be fully completed at the start of the 2023-2024 school year.
Hospitality - The James Bowie PTA provides multiple appreciation and hospitality events for the teachers and staff of the school throughout the year. This also includes numerous events during Teacher Appreciation week in the spring. These events are an integral service of the PTA to show the teachers and staff how appreciated they are which in turn benefits the students and the school environment in general.
Accelerated Reader - The James Bowie PTA sponsors the accelerated reader program at James Bowie Elementary, which is available for all students. The program allows students to answer questions for eligible books they have read in order to earn points. Prizes are given to the students once they reach certain point levels.
Field Day - The PTA hosted a field day for the students in the spring of 2023. The event was fully planned and funded by the PTA.
Donation to the RISD Council of PTAs Funds
Teacher Appreciation Week