Program areas at TEXAS PTA - North East ISD Council
Virgil T Blossom Scholarship: 7 NEISD graduates receive $625 per semester for up to 8 semesters if a minimum of 2.50 GPA is maintained while a full time student in an education major.
Appreciation and Hospitality: Snacks and food provided at training events, programs and schools. This included all 67 local PTAs and their boards.
Founders' Day:Annual celebration of formation of PTA honoring recognized volunteers. Over 130 volunteers are honored each year. Over 500 people attend and support these volunteers.
Leadership training: Attend National and Texas PTA annual meetings and training. This information is then used to train all 67 local units and all their board members.
Clothes Closet: Donations of gently used clothes,new socks and underwear are collected, sorted and given to families in need within NEISD schools. Sorting, storing, washing, providing socks and underwear when supplies are low are done within this program.
North East Education Foundation: support in donation of Gala tickets
Awards and Recognition of top volunteers with PVSA awards and Student Volunteer Recognition: All NEISD students are able to participate in the District volunteer system. Council of PTAs provides certificates to students that earned volunteer awards. Over 600 awards were earned in 2019-20.
Arts in Education Program: All 67 local PTAs are invited to participate in this program. Art work is created by NEISD students, collected and judged. Top entries are advanced from NEISD Council of PTAs to Texas PTA for further judgement and awards.
Local Unit Special Needs and Courtesy Admin: This supports training and supplies to Local units. 3 members had admission paid to TX PTA LAUNCH- state wide training by Texas PTA. Courtesy Admin organizes and supplies information to all 67 local units at each delegate meeting. Each local unit has a principal, PTA president, and council delegate present at the meeting. *Canceled for 2020 due to COVID-19*
Back the Future and Rally Day- All 67 local unit boards are able to participate in advocating for our students with membership and a trip to Texas Capitol. *2019 off year for Rally Day*
Admin expenses (printing, publications, website, technology, credit card fees, membership supplies, insurance)