Program areas at The Addis Clinic
The kenya health and empowerment program brought together physician volunteers and kenyan clinical officers using telemedicine. Physician specialists collaborated and tele-supported kenyan referrers during 1,500 patient consultations for improved patient diagnostics and treatment plans.
The kenya girls health & safety program embeds a registered clinical officer in kwale county, kenya, where she works in partnership with children's centers, orphanages, and other community based organizations. These mobile clinics support vulnerable populations through access to primary care services, health education, and confidential medical screenings, serving over 6,000 patients this year.
The somali maternal and child health program embeds teams of clinical officers and community health workers in mogadishu and beledweyne, somalia. These teams provide clinical services, education and outreach to over 10,000 patients who primarily live in idp camps due to The drought, violence and unrest in The country. As a result, this program has served 500 pregnant women and has attended over 25 live births.
The hiv messaging & support program serves patients and medical facilities across The six kenyan counties with The highest numbers of people living with hiv. Daily sms messages and in-home visits provide patients with medical information, psychosocial support and resources for their care. We also connect medical providers to our telemedicine platform for additional clinical support when needed