Program areas at AIA
Professional development - aia offers educational opportunities to members including:ces: The aia is actively involved in The continuing education of its members through its ces/continuing education program. The aia makes specialized information available to registered ces providers, as well as to aia members, to help members meet their continuing education requirements. Knowledge communities: these communities provide members with access to in-depth information, services, knowledge, and career needs for specific areas of The architectural practice.
Public relations - aia provides a wealth of information to The public on architecture and Architects.
Member services - aia offers member services including:component relations: local networking activities, educational seminars, and regional updates are available through state and local component members section: provides an entry point for services provided to aia members.honors and awards: program provides recognition of individuals and organizations for their outstanding achievements in support of The profession of architecture and The aia. Media relations support center: a tool to aid members in implementing effective media relations efforts in The member's local and regional market. Sustainability: a voluntary program for aia member firms and other entities in The built environment to pledge to develop multi-year action plans, and implement steps to become carbon neutral by The year 2030. Aia provides support, information, and education on sustainability.
Publications - aia provides a wide array of publications and programs including: aia architect: bi-weekly electronic newsletter of The aia.aia store: online and physical store selling current architectural publications to The public and members.other publications: The aia has various other publications and e-newsletters providing current information and guidelines to professionals in The building industry.
Government affairs: The aia represents The interests of Architects before federal, state, and local governments and other policy-making bodies. This outreach, coupled with sustained member participation and active involvement in The political process, enables The aia to advocate on behalf of legislative, regulatory, and related issues important to aia members.
Conference on architecture: The aia conference on architecture offers more than 500 program offerings, including workshops, seminars, tours, and expo education, as well as informational exhibits showcasing The latest in building materials and products.
Scholarships, grants, contributions: aia provides scholarships, grants and other contributions to promote The architectural profession.