Program areas at The Anti-Recidivism Coalition
Inside programmingour hope and redemption team, established in 2017, is a group of formerly incarcerated lifers who go back into California state prisons, sacramento and yolo county jails, and juvenile detention facilities to provide ongoing programming, rehabilitative services, and wraparound reentry support and case management to incarcerated individuals.our team employs a credible messenger approach to all our rehabilitative programming, serving approximately 5,000 people annually through criminals and gang members anonymous, board parole hearing workshops, and youth offender program mentorship groups that help individuals develop prosocial behaviors and create plans for successful reentry.
Housingarc currently has three housing sites, "lorena", "magnolia" , and "The dorm" that serve community members in need of stable, safe, and dignified housing. Arc can serve 22 residents at magnolia, 36 residents at lorena, and another 12 at The dorm.. The on-site staffing model at each of arc's two housing sites in los angeles ensures supportive service delivery such as life skills development to promote self-sufficiency and resilience among members. Life coaches ensure that all residents are either in school or working part-time and saving a portion of their income.
Membership servicesarc serves as a support network for current and formerly incarcerated men and women in ca. Arc's member services include 1:1 life coaching, support, social, and creative groups, linkages to individual and group therapy, as well as housing and career support. The member services department includes The events team that plans, outings, monthly events, and quarterly retreats for arc members. Through members services, arc members receive and offer support, connect to services, and develop positive social networks.
Communications and marketing
Adovcacy, national and state
Workforce and education arc offers a variety of career preparation workshops designed to help individuals succeed in The job market. These workshops include career readiness, a 20-hour program focusing on The fundamentals of employment acquisition and retention, digital literacy, a 12-hour workshop teaching essential mobile and tech skills, and financial literacy, an 18-hour course covering basic checking and savings addition to workshops, arc provides internship opportunities and scholarship support for adults and transitional-age members. One of our key vocational training initiatives is The los angeles apprenticeship readiness program, an 11-week program created through a partnership between The los angeles unified school district (lausd) and The la/oc building trades. This successful program has recently expanded to san bernardino. Participants in The program receive stipends during cohort training before being placed directly into union apprenticeships. Since its inception, The program has served over 640 participants (adults and tay) with a graduation rate of 73% and a placement rate of 70% for graduates.
Sacramento policy