Program areas at LARC
Residential: Larc operates five community group homes and two apartments for individuals in need of 24-hour supports, located in harwington, Litchfield, torrington, barkhamsted and new hartford. Individuals who live in independently leased apartments are also supported by Larc. Larc also provides in-home supports. The majority of these individuals have elderly families/guardians that are unable to drive. Without our program, they would be stuck at home with little opportunity to get out into The community. A total of 30 individuals are served in Larc's residential programs and 15 individuals are served in Larc's in home supports.
Day support program: The day support program provides experiences and activities that are stimulating and value based to 42 individuals, many of which have significant medical or aging issues. Larc also offers community experiences through volunteering, participating in The local senior center, and enjoying leisure time activities to over approximately 50 individuals at over 10 locations. Dso participants have recently been acknowledged by The city of torrington for their volunteer efforts for The meals on wheels program.
Vocational day program: approximately 75 individuals are working through Larc's vocational program which provides individualized employment programs, job development, placement, on-the-job training and continuous supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Larc is providing group supported employment at 6 sites employing 50 individuals. An indicator of The program's success is The longevity of our clients' employment.
Larc also offers recreation, guardianship, advocacy, transportation services and an autism resource center. Larc's social enrichment program has resumed after being paused due to covid. The program is funded solely by private donations, providing critical respite and recreational opportunities such as group outings, social gatherings, and special olympics. Larc's autism resource center has become known in The region for providing innovative supports to area youth. We are working to align our programming with available funding, to help ensure fiscal stability and The ability to provide asd supports that are billable and in accordance with state and federal requirements. It is our intention to move The center from grant and donor-funded to official asd provider funded in The next year or two. Larc's board of directors made The decision to suspend camp operations in 2021, and further, to sell The camp property, which had become a drain on agency operations and finances. We closed on The sale of The property in may 2023. This will help us focus more fully on our core mission, and will be beneficial to The agency in many ways.