Program areas at The Brandon Foundation Incorporated
At The Brandon Foundation, students between The ages of five to eighteen, meet twice a week for two hours and are partnered with a mentor/tutor who helps them by supporting their academic goals. Twenty-four (24) students participated in our programs during fiscal 2023. The Brandon Foundation was organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes. Specifically, The Brandon Foundation is a leadership program where students are shown The power of their potential through family-focused supports and individualized mentoring. In 2013, fort wayne, Indiana had one of The most deadly years since 1997. Murder is just one of The many factors that at-risk children (children who are experiencing hardships such as poverty, losing a parent to crime or death, single-parent homes, ect.) Are prone to if not supported at early age. The Brandon Foundation opened its doors in august 2013 to reach out to young, at-risk children to protect, empower, and enrich their dreams as they become young adults. At The Brandon Foundation, students, between The ages of five to seventeen, meet twice a week for two hours and are partnered with a mentor/tutor who helps them by supporting their academic goals. Daily curriculum schedules are developed to meet students' individual academic needs. Each month, students focus on a characteristic trait and community service activities are planned, preparing student become positive leaders and citizens in their communities. At The Brandon Foundation, we believe there are six key components to success for our program and our children: family outreach, spiritual Foundation, character development, educational empowerment, community awareness, and talent scouting. Within each of these components, The Brandon Foundation recognizes and teaches core values to our students while showing them their potential and helping them to meet their goals. It is The goal of The Brandon Foundation to have its students remain within The program, become junior mentors to other students, and eventually receive scholarships and college funding for their future academic endeavors. Through funding from private donation and federal grants, The Brandon Foundation works towards expanding our program by moving into its own facility, adding more days and allowing for more students, as well as creating a larger presence in The community and developing financial assistance programs for students educational futures. Since august 2013, The Brandon Foundation has raised over $740,000 through fundraising that grows our organization and opens up new possibilities for our students.