Program areas at BICSI
Ict today is a electronic-only publication circulated quarterly, providing relevant, vendor-neutral and authoritative information to information and communications technology (ict) professionals. Bicsi members receive it at no additional cost as a benefit of their membership.
Bicsi is ansi-accredited, consensus-based standards development organization, The bicsi International standards program creates standards and guidelines for use in The design, installation and integration of information and communications technology (ict).
Conduct educational seminars on various information and communications technology systems including registered communications distribution design, customer owned outside plant specialty, data center design, project management and installation training.
Bicsi, Inc. Sponsored two major education conferences in fiscal year june 30, 2023. These conferences were planned, marketed, and conducted by bicsi, Inc. The registered communication distribution designer (rcdd) program is considered a major program Service of bicsi. The rccd program tests ict professionals. Bicsi permits selected ict professionals to use The professional designation of rccd in their business affairs upon completion of The appropriate criteria and payment of fees.the ict cabling installation program is considered a major Service of bicsi. The ict cabling installation program test ict professional. Bicsi permits selected ict professional to use The professional designations of bicsi installer 1, bicsi installer 2, copper, bicsi installer 2, optical fiber, and bicsi technician in their business affairs upon completion and appropriate criteria and payment of fees.