Program areas at The Campagna Center
Alexandria head start promotes school readiness for preschool childrren (ages 3 to 5) from low-income families living in The city of alexandria. The program intentionally focuses on helping children develop skills in The areas of cognitive and language development, early reading, and mathematics, social emotional and physical development necessary for school readiness. Families collaborate with staff to foster these outcomes and work toward their own self-sufficiency goals. Sites are accredited through The national association for The education of young children and also participate in The Virginia quality initiative. Early head start provides for low-income infants and toddlers (birth - three years old) and expectant families. Early head start offers comprehensive services - educational, social, physical health, mental health, and nutrition - to ensure that children are getting off to The very best possible start in life. The Center's early head start program delivers services through various settings including center-based, home visiting, and family child care. Sites have earned accreditation through The national association for The education of young children (naeyc) and also participate in The Virginia quality initiative.early head start child care partnership project works with a network of independent family child care providers regulated by The city of alexandria to serve children who qualify for early head start services. These providers participate in training and professional development experiences that enhance The quality of care provided to children enrolled in their programs. Providers also gain access to resources that strengthen their knowledge of child development and The many ways to integrate The use of curriculum resources into their program. Families with children enrolled in The program have access to The comprehensive array of services provided by head start funded programs.
Wright to read provides volunteer-based one-on-one sustained literacy tutoring and mentoring relationships to students enrolled in alexandria city public schools. Enrollment targets elementary aged children, but with a smaller number of students continuing to work with their tutor-mentor through middle school. Wright to read collaborates with families, schools, and community partners to create a comprehensive support network that guides each child toward success.
Campagna kids provides recreational, social, and academic enrichment opportunities to children through its after school and summer camp program. Operated in partnership with The city of alexandria and The alexandria city public schools, it offers parents access to safe, affordable and high quality enrichment programs for their children.
Campagna early learning Center (celc) is a full day/full year pre-school program created to provide more families with access to quality preschool programs, including those who do not qualify for publicly funded preschool programs like head start. The celc operates through a partnership with ahc, Inc., an affordable and workforce housing neighbors english language learners program (new neighbors) is an important and innovative program developed to meet alexandria's need for high quality, easily accessible english language training to enhance The job possibilities and economic security of immigrants and refugees who reside in The community. It provides a 14 week, 3 day per week, 2.5 hours per day program model. Two semesters are offered each year, one 14-week session in The fall, and The other during The spring. Students are immigrants and refugees new to our community and one third require child care assistance to enroll and attend classes. The program is designed to increase self-sufficiency and support community integration.building better futures provides tutoring, mentoring, leadership and life skills development to primarily high school students in alexandria. The program provides access to tutoring, enrichment seminars focused on topics that support postsecondary planning. Students have an opportunity to visit college campuses as they consider their postsecondary plans. The program offers students externship experiences to bridge their knowledge of various career paths. Many of The youth enrolled in The program may be The first in their family to pursue college, post high school graduation and/or have immigrated to The united states.including several other miscellaneous programs