Program areas at CAE
Farm connex - caes farm product delivery service operates uniquely as a delivery service, rather than as a distributor, for small and medium farms and food businesses that may not be able to utilize larger distribution chains in order to access wholesale markets in the region. Farm connex serves over 60 farms throughout Vermont, picking up products and delivering them to their markets.
Just cut - caes farm-to-institution program lightly processes local farm- fresh produce for sale and distribution to vermonts public schools, colleges, and hospitals. By partnering with local farmers, food buyers across new england, and a regional delivery network, we help ensure the viability of vermonts working landscapes and provide greater accessibility of high-quality produce to all markets.
Community connections - cae's community programs raise awareness of the local food system and create collaborative partnerships to enhance the community's understanding of food and farming and relieve the incidence of hunger through local food access. The program includes our management of the hardwick community gardens at atkins field, our grow your own educational workshop series with the hardwick area food pantry, our place- based education initiatives within the ossu school district, and hunger relief and food sovereignty initiatives through our food justice program.
Vermont farm fund - cae's revolving loan fund for local farmers and food producers. The fund was developed in response to increasing demand from farmers who were starting new enterprises or moving onto new land, and needed capital to fund infrastructure improvements or equipment to get up and running. This is a true revolving loan fund, as the community of recipients pay back their loans, funds are replenished for the next cycle of borrowers. Vermont food venture Center - the vfvc is a shared-use kitchen and food business incubator available to value-added and specialty food producers looking to launch or scale up their food-based enterprise. Vfvc clients can rent the kitchens on An hourly basis, utilize co-packing services, and take advantage of technical assistance workshops and a suite of business advising services. The vfvc is designed to meet all the mission elements of cae by providing infrastructure, education, and technical assistance to develop and promote the viability of the local Agricultural Economy. The business planners in our farm & food business resources team offer wraparound services, including business planning, technical assistance, and food safety training, available to all vfvc clients.