Program areas at The Center for Education Reform
"grant making"the Center for Education Reform administers The yass prize for sustainable, transformational, outstanding and permissionless Education, which provides financial awards to selected schools and Education providers which provide outstanding Education to underserved populations, as well as manages related grants under The yass foundation for Education.
"external relations"the Center provides ideas and advice to many community and state-based groups working to improve schools. Cer's external relations programs teach people about Education programs and their impacts. Cer organizes groups and events to further educate people and find new leaders to become spokespeople locally for improved educational outcomes. Cer tracks state policy and The effects of new laws and regulations and provides insights regularly to those who make and study policy to help them further their own goals and mission.
"communications"the Center for Education Reform provides ready access to thousands of pieces of information about Education annually. Cer develops and markets important information to The general public through materials and publications, websites, conferences, meetings, and through abundant contact with The news media; to ensure that The issues around Education are well-understood by parents, policymakers, and The general public. Annually cer provides information and firsthand knowledge about Education programs and policies to more than 1000 media representatives, whose news coverage further educates The public about numerous Education subjects.
"research and education"the Center studies and documents important findings about The impact of Education policies on students, teachers, schools and The general welfare of The nation. Cer conducts surveys, collects and disseminates data, and conducts analysis that is provided as a service through publications and through internet properties. Cer responds to dozens of requests weekly from The general public, stakeholders, educators, and parents about all matters pertaining to Education and Education Reform policies. Cer shares best practices and lessons learned with those who seek such information, and impacts The betterment of schools by providing concrete data that helps people make better decisions about their students and schools.