Program areas at The Center for Enriched Living
Adult day programs - in Illinois, when young adults turn 22 and transition out of The school system, there are few opportunities. Cel's year-round adult day programs named reach & catalyst, addresses The daytime needs of adults with developmental disabilities so they have opportunities for continued learning and growth long after school has ended.cel's members in reach & catalyst have opportunities to achieve personal success through continued learning, making their own choices, communicating their needs and opinions, volunteering for several local organizations, exploring personal hobbies and interests, and so much more, with up to 70% of their day spent out and about within The community.
Adult employment programs - while people with developmental disabilities have The skills and The desire to work, they lack The opportunities. Cel works to combat The staggering 85% unemployment rate that people with idd face by partnering with small businesses and large corporations to remove existing barriers to hiring someone with a disability. Cel's staff create opportunities for individuals with idd to learn The soft skills needed to find and keep a job. Cel partners with individuals to find and prepare members for new job opportunities at local restaurants, grocery stores, retail stores, offices, and more.
Social enrichment programs - at The foundation of cel's programs lies a social component. Social isolation is a key barrier that prevents people with idd from Living their fullest lives. Cel's members are part of a dynamic community where their voices are heard, their choices are honored, and their interests and feedback develop The programs that are available year-round.cel members over The age of 21 choose from programs that provide opportunities to make friends, enjoy new experiences, continue learning in a supportive environment, and most importantly, have fun. Social interactions create community, strengthen relationship skills, and improve health and well-being.cel's youth and young adult social programs provide members ages 13-21 with opportunities to make friends in a supportive environment, explore The community, build skills, and pursue new interests. The programs run year- round during evenings and weekends, with a 9-week summer day camp exclusively for young adults. Cel's youth and young adult members choose from a variety of program offerings including after school clubs, fitness, summer camp, bowling, art, theatre, horseback riding, swimming, science experiments, community excursions, dances, technology, healthy cooking, and so much more.
Robert vihon family resource Center - cel created The robert vihon family resource Center to address The urgent needs of people with intellectual and development disabilities (idd), their families, and caregivers. This program dramatically expands The scope of services we provide, transforming cel into a regional destination for those seeking reliable resources and information, mental health counseling, therapeutic and behavioral services, peer support groups, and more.the robert vihon family resource Center (The "vee" Center) is operated by a team of staff, who are trained and licensed to work with The idd community: social workers, board certified behavior analysts (bcba), and clinical therapists (physical, occupational, etc.). The "vee" Center team works with members and families (one-on-one and in groups) to help them navigate life transitions, connect with critical internal and external resources, and build meaningful, independent lives.