Program areas at The Center for Family Justice
Advocacy services: The Center's advocacy services provide bilingual domestic and sexual violence services to child, youth and adult victims. Advocates work with survivors for 6-8 sessions with The purpose of increasing The survivor and children's safety, emotional well-being, knowledge of domestic and sexual violence, and knowing how and where to access help. Advocates refer victims to The civil legal program, crisis and housing services, The training institute and/or camp hope, self sufficiency and health and wellness programs.multi-disciplinary investigative team (mdt): The Center's mdt investigates cases where a child has disclosed, or there is suspicion of child sexual abuse and/or severe physical abuse. The primary goal of The team is to enhance The prosecution of The offender and provide support to The non-offending Family members and child victims through The legal and healing process. The Center is The only mdt in The greater bridgeport area.
Crisis and housing services program: The crisis services program is The primary entry point for survivors to The Center through our domestic and sexual violence hotlines open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. The Center has a bilingual emergency shelter service for domestic violence survivors and their children. The crisis and housing services program guides survivors to The Center's other services as well.
Court advocacy program: The court advocates are stationed at The golden hill street domestic violence criminal court to help survivors understand and negotiate The legal process. Advocates assist victims with safety planning, counseling, and navigating The criminal court process. Advocates notify victims of their rights and assist them through The court process so that their concerns, needs, and wants will be communicated to The court. Court advocates also refer victims to The civil legal program for legal assistance. The civil legal program: The Center's clp connects clients with legal representation primarily in The areas of Family law, immigration law, and housing law. The goal is to provide, or find resources to provide, victims with options that might improve The outcome of their case; primarily restraining orders or matters in The Family court.
Prevention education and training institue