Program areas at The Children's Initiative
Honduras is The second poorest country in The western hemisphere. Family income averages about 500 a year in The countryside where a majority of hondurans live. The country is wracked by drug wars, corruption, very high unemployment, and a general lawlessness that pervades all aspects of society. It has The highest per capita murder rate of any country in The world. Other than multinational food companies and a growing garment industry, honduras produces little for export. Exacerbating The dire situation are increasingly inconsistent rainy seasons that put subsistence farm families at tremendous risk. Tcis mission statement positions us as making long term, systemic investment in The developing world. Investment is The key word. We dont give, donate, or spend on things that wont have a return. We try to be strategic, but human at The same time generous, but not naive or easy. Here are The bullet points in no particular order of value, cost, or impact. Reforestation overall, in partnership with The honduran government and The eu, we have been given 10,000 valuable mahogany seedlings to plant in The el rosario valley. The positive ecological impact aside, The income generated by The clearing,planting, and maintaining of these trees will produce a secondary income to very poor farm families between The planting and harvesting seasons. While tci has planted more than 5,000 trees with The resulting harvest going directly to landowners for those trees planted on privately owned plots. Cash crops The main economy of rural honduras is subsistence farming, mostly in corn and beans. All cash crops are to provide social profit. Any revenues generated are returned to The honduran families. School maintenance we have enrolled 52 students in The middle/high school. Each of these students is given a diploma of 75 as our programming matures, more demands will arrive for more sophisticated tools: a microscope, atlases, textbooks, and The like. We recently built a cantina/kitchen/recreational area at The school for students run by teachers and parents. Library tci built, along with The school, a large library that acts as a meeting hall, a civic center, a performance hall, a movie theater. Due to pandemic restrictions, activity has been suspended and it is unknown when The use of The library will resume. Partnerships with ongoing restructions under pandemic limits, no partnerships were recognized for The reporting year.
Haiti is The poorest country in The western hemisphere, and one of The poorest in The entire world. Although much international aid and numerous ngos flooded The country following The massive earthquake in 2010 and subsequent hurricanes, The country still struggles with basic issues of governance, inadequate resources, a poor economy and extreme poverty. This is particularly true in The neglected northeast where government involvement and international aid efforts are all but non-existent. Phaeton we are active in phaeton, a small village of approximately 3,000 located along The northeast coast of The country. Since The close of a sisal plantation in The 1980s, there has been no industry, little opportunity for employment, and people subsist on a variety of small scale informal commerce and fishing. There is no electricity, no reliable water system, or decent sanitation. The village exists in severe poverty, with 70% living on under 1.00 us per day, and although over half The population is under 24, there is virtually no organized schooling, job training, or social programs to support The community. Here are some of our recent accomplishments: we joined members of The community to establish noahs ark, a small school now serving approximately ninety students age 3 to 12. Currently, we provide basic schooling and a hot lunch which represents The only substantial feeding for most of The children. In collaboration with local leaders who are dedicated to creating better opportunities for their children, tci is working to improve The conditions and expand The school population to serve more children in need. We recently graduated our first 6th grade class of three students now attending private middle school in terrier rouge with tcis ongoing support. Plans remain ongoing to increase classrooms to make space available for more students. We recognize that children cannot prosper if they and their parents are malnourished, have no reliable source of clean water, receive no basic medical care, and live in unsanitary conditions. And so we partner with other ngos who bring capabilities to address these challenges. Established and are now expanding a dynamic school garden. Worked with a local doctor to address The village medical needs by supporting his clinic and coordinating medical missions. A small medical clinic has been established in phaeton, haiti. Like any other place in The world, The people of phaeton want better lives for their children. By empowering, collaborating and supporting The local population and its leaders, tci is helping secure a brighter future for this community and its children.
To provide supplies, support, and travel for primary exempt purpose.