Program areas at The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta
Philanthropic services - see schedule o for complete description.the Community Foundation is our region's steward of The long-term philanthropic assets that are entrusted to us for The future of Greater Atlanta. In 2022, our total assets were $1.2 billion.we distributed over $194 million in grants and support in 2022. That represents 10,000 grants awarded to over 3,200 nonprofits locally, nationally and internationally. Of these grants, over 70% stayed within our 23-county metro Atlanta region. Grants were made to 28 issue areas, The top three being healthcare, education, and arts/culture/ humanities. Our organization distributed 15% of our total assets through grantmaking in 2022.our generous donors make our work possible. We received more than $143 million in gifts in 2022 and established 35 new funds. Our most popular giving vehicle is The donor-advised fund. In 2022, 82% of our total grants were made through donor-advised funds.
Community leadership and initiatives - see schedule o for complete description.throughout 2021, The ripple effect of covid-19 made its widespread impact on The Atlanta region. Children continued with hybrid-at-best school options, businesses permanently closed, live performances were shuttered and workers were being laid off. Our partnership with united way of Greater Atlanta continued, ultimately raising, collecting and dispersing $32 million in funds for The Greater Atlanta covid-19 response and recovery fund, while taking no fees for The work. Supported by dollars from philanthropy, government and corporate partners, The covid-19 fund received donations from thousands of individuals, foundations and corporations. The Community needs continued to evolve as The pandemic issued its toil. While initial grants were focused on providing crucial services at a high scale to high-risk audiences including seniors and families with children.2021 evidence showed specific populations disproportionately impacted black, latinx, undocumented and immigrant populations. As The situation in our Community evolved, The fund pivoted to address rapidly changing needs, such as small business support and mental health. During 2020 and 2021, The covid-19 fund mobilized $28.2 million to benefit 478 nonprofits in Atlanta. This program was amplified by our 900+ donors families, who gave in excess of $100 million to nonprofits The Community Foundation recommended who were on The front lines of The pandemic.
Competitive grants - see schedule o for complete descriptionthe Foundation awards grants through both competitive and non-competitive channels. The greatest number of grants are awarded through non-competitive channels, such as donor-advised funds, where grant investments are recommended by The donor or fund advisor often with The guidance of his or her philanthropic advisor. In 2016, The Community Foundation began exploring The development of a program designed to close The opportunity gap in The thomasville heights Community in southeast Atlanta. Begun by our donors who eventually became known as The spark opportunity giving circle, their collective grantmaking, education of The issues and place-based focus has been a catalyst for additional investments from their donor-advised funds. Our impact strategy includes grantmaking, strategic nonprofit partnerships, policy advocacy and thrive thomasville, a resident-led council that directs funding to community-designed projects. Thrive builds on neighborhood strengths and enables community-led strategies to develop and address neighborhood needs by The residents who call it 2021, The place-based giving focus in thomasville heights shifted to address The short-term and immediate needs of The thomasville heights Community, such as housing, food insecurity and emergency funds. We also announced our plans for togetheratl, our new strategic plan beginning in january of 2022, that will move place-based strategies to The forefront.