Program areas at The Computing Research Association
Cifellows:the cifellows project is an opportunity for recent ph.d. Graduates in computer science and closely related fields to obtain one-to two-year postdoctoral positions at universities, industrial Research laboratories, and other organizations that advance The field of Computing and its positive impact on society. The goals of The cifellows project are to retain new ph.d.s in Research and to teach and to support intellectual renewal and diversity in The Computing fields at u.s. Organizations.
Computing community consortium (ccc):under a six-year, $9 million agreement with The nsf, cra is creating The Computing community consortium (ccc) to identify major Research opportunities and establish "grand challenges" for The field. The ccc will create venues for community participation for developing visions and creating new Research activities.
Center for evaluating The Research pipeline program (cerp):the cra's center for evaluating The Research pipeline (cerp) mission is to increase diversity in The field of Computing Research through evaluation and Research. The center provides data resources and evaluation services to The Computing community. Cerp collects data from more than 16,000 undergraduate and graduate students in Computing through an annual national survey and surveys designed for specific programs. Using these data resources, cerp is able to conduct systematic evaluations of programs and workshops such as cra-wp's grad cohort workshops, track career paths and outcomes of Computing students, and make information on The state of The Computing Research talent pool available to The Computing community.
Career mentoring workshop (cmw)cmw: teaching this offers participants The opportunity to hear from seasoned Computing educators about The nuts and bolts of teaching large upper-division classes and graduate student seminars. Designed for research-focused tenured/tenure-track faculty, The goal of this highly-interactive and engaging workshop is to help you reduce The amount of time you spend on teaching (for Research gain) while also doing a good job and making it more funfor you and your students. Specifically, attendees will gain insight into how to write and edit course syllabi, be introduced to high-quality materials and master teacher models, go through a bootcamp on evidence-based practices such as active learning, and gain guidance on how to manage tas and other administrative tasks. Cmw: Research this provides advice and mentoring activities for those starting academic Computing Research careers. This will include planning your Research career, networking strategies, mentoring and managing students, preparing a tenure dossier, time management and work-life balance, among others.