Program areas at The Connecticut Center for Nursing Workforce
Ccnw uses its expertise to support statewide Nursing Workforce development efforts. Work with The workplace, inc.'s health careerrx academy (hca) and The Workforce alliance to help individuals in career transitions seeking to enter The healthcare field. Conduct core skills training workshops and customer service & diversity workshops to help individuals understand The healthcare industry, ease their transition into an education pathway, and ultimately to The practice setting. Support The hca as an active partner to vet new educational offerings, engage in continuous quality improvement for all workshops and sessions to accurately reflect current education and employment options. Ccnw is acting in The role of nurse consultant to The ct health horizons initiative providing: data, innovative Workforce development strategies, and support to The Nursing schools funded under this statewide Nursing and social work project. Moreover, partnered with hartford healthcare's 10 hospitals and engaged with their (17) academic partners to utilizing ccnw's proprietary online student clinical placement system to assign, manage, and archive clinical placements, observations, and capstones experiences. Just for The spring 2023 semester, over 2,000 student placements were recorded.
Background check and drug screening services for schools and programs of Nursing & allied health within Connecticut. Currently 14 schools with over 50 academic programs partner with ccnw to oversee The background check process for their students and faculty. This partnership provides The school an "out of house" resource to conduct background checks and drug screenings for students and faculty by providing notification of "passed or flagged" status of each student to assess appropriateness for a student's clinical placement experiences.
Cln's 100% online rn refresher course serves nurses throughout The country who wish to re-enter The Nursing Workforce. This faculty-led four module 17-week course incorporates The use of two virtual hospital experiences thereby eliminating The on-the-ground clinical module complemented by two modules of didactic education. Boards of Nursing throughout The country promote this course to their registered nurses seeking to return to work. Cln's 100% online clinical nurse faculty preparation course serves nurses throughout The country who wish to prepare themselves for The role of part time clinical nurse faculty. This faculty-led six module 3-week course was based on national studies that reveal that The acute shortage of full-time Nursing faculty hinders The expansion of enrollments which are essential to being able to address The severe Nursing shortage. This clinical nurse faculty course helps schools increase student capacity of their programs to positively impact The proposed Nursing shortage, as well as, acts as a pipeline to develop full-time Nursing faculty.ccnw received funding from The eva sterns faulkner foundation to create a 100% online full-time nurse faculty preparation course to support The development of well-prepared "classroom" Nursing faculty. The course helps doctoral and masters prepared nurses to "hit The ground running and transition to The role of full-time faculty. The course is offered over a semester with 6-weeks of faculty-led coursework and instruction, and (6) hours of group and individual coaching during The semester.
Rn student day provides all graduating associate and baccalaureate degree Nursing students with a day of professional development focused on job search strategies, career opportunities and nclex preparation. The annual event attracts over 750 participants and 40 exhibitors. Speakers and exhibitors showcase educational resources for academic advancement, job opportunities available at state and regional healthcare facilities, and support services for nclex preparation. The event culminates with peer recognition awards highlighting exemplary students within each school and program of nursing.ccnw hosts an annual statewide Nursing & healthcare Workforce summit. The focus of The summit was to highlight 2022 data related to current Nursing skill gaps in Connecticut's Nursing Workforce by assessing The capacity of our education pipelines, availability of faculty; and sharing The supply of nurses prepared for The roles of rn and lpn. The summit also showcased promising practices by statewide partners to identify how best to align available resources and dollars in targeted Nursing education and practice areas to minimize future skill gaps and achieve optimal return on investment.