Program areas at The Consensus Council
Restorative justice program - statewide services to people involved in and impacted by crime and other harms since 1998. Consensus Council employs a dedicated team of trained professionals across north dakota to work with individuals referred to The program. Restorative justice aims to provide a respectful, compassionate, and healing response to crime and conflict by seeking to restore, to The extent possible, those harmed by an offense. The program encourages accountability from The person(s) responsible and promotes safe, secure, and peaceful communities.
International legislators' forum The international legislators' forum (ilf) is a nonpartisan, Consensus- oriented convening of legislators from The northern plains region of north america (mb, mn, nd, sd). Legislators from across The political spectrum meet, learn, share information, explore problems, build relationships, and develop collaborative approaches and solutions on a wide variety of issues relevant to and affecting their jurisdictions.
Other programs The Council works with a variety of entities to custom design processes bringing diverse viewpoints together to seek common ground. Council facilitators and staff provide assistance building public policy agreements.