Program areas at The Corporation of Mercer University
The University has 12 colleges and schools. The University's programs included liberal arts, business, engineering, education, medicine, nursing, pharmacy, law, theology, music, and heath professions. These expenses are related to The direct instruction of higher education. The University serves over 9,000 degree seeking students in The 12 colleges and schools. The University bestowed over 2,600 degrees for The 2021-2022 school year. The peace corps has named Mercer among The top four peace corp prep certificate granting institutions in The united states. The University's instruction provides a focus on undergraduate research by providing students with hands-on experience that complements their education. The research can be included in their course based in lab work or faculty led research.
Auxiliary services:the University's auxiliary services facilitates The creation of community, extends The learning environment beyond The classroom, and enhances The quality of campus life through The delivery of quality goods and services including residence, dining services, clinic operations, as well as athletic and retail operations for over 9,000 students. Auxiliary services maintain The bear card system which provides for a variety of different dining options and easier access for students to pay for those options. Auxiliary services also provides mail and document services as well as cable access for The univeristy's student residences.
Scholarships:these expenses are related to The support provided to The University's students based on donor stipulation, need, and merit. The University provides schoarship aid within 4 categories. Mercer based aid scholarships are based on academic credentials and The scholarships are renewable up to 4 years. Talent based aid scholarships are either athletic scholarships or music scholarships. Need based aid scholarships are based on economic need. Competitive aid scholarships are based on merit. Over 90% of The University's students received scholarships and discounts.
Academic support
Student services
Public service
Institutional support