Program areas at The Diabetes Link
Young adult (ya)-relevant resource hub (aka education):as The only organization solely focused on young adults (yas) with Diabetes, we have created an online resource hub that provides free access to information in a format yas understand on topics not typically covered during office visits. During 2023, we created 7 updated modules (mental health, drinking, sex, partying, relationships, technology, and finance) and will start testing a subset of these in clinical trials next year. Our hub also includes an off-to-college seminar series for both yas and their care circle of family and friends. Overall, we have 336 total assets in our library. We share The content directly through email distributions and social media, and indirectly through healthcare providers and partner organizations. In 2023, approximately 80,000 yas viewed our content.
Professional development and advocacy opportunities (aka leadership):entering The workforce creates a new set of challenges for young adults (yas) with Diabetes. Our nextgen fellowship program provides yas an introduction to The Diabetes sector covering business, clinical and other career paths. A key part of The program is sponsoring 15-20 fellows to attend a Diabetes clinical conference where they can attend sessions, staff our exhibit hall booth, and start to build their professional networks. People of all ages with Diabetes can volunteer to be part of our career advisor Network which is currently available to our nextgen fellows. To date, 233 fellows have completed The program and of those, 38% are currently pursuing a career in a Diabetes. We also provide advocacy training to our chapter leaders and fellows and will be creating a champs program in 2024 that enables our yas to participate in various advocacy activities and share what they are learning through The Diabetes Link back to their community.
Peer communities and connections (aka peer support):the Diabetes Link has developed a peer support Network and model to address The needs and challenges faced by today's young adults (yas) as they transition to independent Diabetes management. We create opportunities for yas (and The people who care for them) to build affiliation and connection around The shared experience of living with Diabetes. From our inception in 2009, our College chapter Network has been a core focus of The organization. We provide all The infrastructure and semester stipends for these chapters. In addition, chapters can apply for grants for a variety of community activities. In 2022, we initiated an on-line community option to complement our chapter Network and offer three segments of yas with Diabetes an alternative: those (1) not heading to College, (2) attending College or postgraduate programs wanting alternatives to our chapter Network, and (3) yas in their mid to late twenties. Our community also interacts through our active social media platforms. In 2023, our community grew to approximately 15,000, a 25% yoy increase.