Program areas at The Dubuque Visiting Nurse Association
Home health-care servicesthe Dubuque Visiting Nurse Association (vna) provides non-certified, in-home health services for chronically ill residents of Dubuque county. It also provides child health services for families in need with The intent to improve The community's overall health and access to care. The clayton county vna provides medicare-certified home care as well as public health services. In both Dubuque and clayton county vna offices The highest priority is given to low-income individuals but services are available to all residents. All services are provided regardless of an individual's race, creed, sex, nationality, handicap, age or ability to compensate for services rendered. In-home healthcare services provided may include, but are not limited to, case management, certified nursing (clayton county office only), child health case management, wic clinics, health maintenance visits, infusion services (clayton county office only), immunization clinics, nursing care, parenting support, and other support services for high-risk new parents and newborns, senior citizens, disabled, ill, handicapped and terminally ill people in The Dubuque and clayton county community. Services may be provided on a one-time, intermittent, part-time or long-term basis. Some of The programs to note were wic, oral health screening, fluoride varnish treatments, child health, parent education, immunization clinics, foot care clinics, tb preventive therapy and breast and cervical cancer.
Community benefitother community benefits: The vna provides several other benefits that assist The community. Programs include, but are not limited to, community health improvement services and community benefit operations such as prevention and health screenings; subsidized public health services including county emergency preparedness work and communicable disease investigation; and cash and in-kind contributions to community groups. The vna collaborates with both mercy and finley hospitals, churches, schools, crescent community health center, medical and dental providers, daycare care centers, chambers of commerce, Dubuque county empowerment, dept of human services, and Dubuque and clayton county boards of health and supervisors to improve community health and expand access to health care. Dubuque and clayton county vna has dedicated staff to assist community benefit efforts. Total other benefits reported value: $1,409,202.