Program areas at The Eden Alternative
The Eden Alternative holds a bi-annual Eden Alternative international conference that promotes The organization's mission and values. There was no conference held during The year ended december 31, 2022.
Eden registry. As a way of honoring those who undertake The hard work of transforming their institutions into warm, human habitats, The organization maintains The Eden registry. The registry is not an accreditation or in any way an indicator of quality, it is simply a public commitment to strive for The principles and practices of The Eden Alternative. Eden registered homes, registry members, pay an annual fee of $795.00 and receive a plaque that is displayed in their facilities. They are also acknowledged on The organization's website and publications.
Training: The Eden Alternative's training programs are designed to educate and enlighten individuals in The Eden philosophy, including The Eden Alternative 10 principles. The following training programs are taught throughout The united states: certified Eden associate training, dementia beyond drugs, empowered teams, leadership pathways to culture change, growth, certified Eden at home associate training, open hearts open minds, and facilitative leadership, reframing dementia: train The change agent, train The educator intensive, and Eden at home care partner workshop. A complete description of these training programs is available at