Program areas at The Emily Harvey Foundation
The Emily Harvey Foundation is a not-for-profit organization, createdin 2004, which operates in new york city and venice, italy. Theprimary focus of its venice activities is its residency program forcreative thinkers in mid to late career from all around The world:artists, writers, musicians, dancers, photo and videographers,architects, art historians and others who explore The leading edgesof their 2022, The venice program offered 610 days of residential live/workspace to 28 artists, from italy, greece, france, canada, portugal, myanmar, and The us. Reasonable commercial value of these accommodations in venice in 2022 would amount to $213, its new york space, The Foundation has developed a program of artevents that draws on its particular history in fluxus, concept artand mail art. This 1,100 square foot space is strategically locatedin soho. Our exhibition program is open to all races, ethnicities, genders, generations and media, such as dance, performance, film,
The Foundation is The beneficiary of The estate of Emily Harvey which makes periodic distributions as funds become available.