Program areas at Faith and Law
We measure our accomplishments with the annual leadership conference through surveys, and in 2023 all attendees at our leadership conference who responded to our survey were very or extremely satisfied with the conference and many praised us for the many ways we implemented their suggestions from last year. 100% of those who completed the survey said they would attend future Faith and Law retreats, with 95% saying they would be very likely to invite others to attend.
Outside of the Friday Forums, weekly interest group meetings are our third largest program area, and include Reading Groups, Film Discussions, Hill Ministry Lunches and Mentoring Programs. In 2023 Faith and Law hosted more reading groups, and seminars for Capitol Hill staff than any other year in the organization's history, and including Friday Forums, we hosted 100+ events. We bolstered our current program offerings while also launching a few new initiatives, making great strides on our goals as outlined in our three-year strategic plan focused on expanding breadth and increasing depth in our participants, and increasing long-term sustainability and mission-effectiveness of the organization. Our Hill Staff Advisory Board serves as a quarterly focus group to assess our events and panels, as well as reading groups.
In 2023, Faith and Law hosted more Friday Forums for Capitol Hill staff than any other year in the organization's history. The Friday forums continue to be the most well known program that we offer and those event have the largest cumulative attendance throughout the year. Our Hill Staff Advisory Board serves as a quarterly focus group to assess our Friday Forum lectures and panels.