Program areas at The Family Support Center of South Sound
Pear Blossom Place Family Shelter & Affordable Housing Project:There are 6 emergency shelter units and 7 permanent affordable apartments for low income and homeless families with children.
Homeless Family Service:The Homeless Family Services Program serves as the primary point of intake for homeless families with children in Thurston County, providing services such as emergency shelter screening and placement; housing assistance; case management; advocacy; outreach; computer, phone, and community voicemail access; employment, child care, and mental health resources; transportation, clothing, food, and hygiene supplies. The goal of this program is to help families obtain and maintain permanent housing, increase skill and income, and build greater self-sufficiency.
Families Resource Services:The Family Resource Services program serves families with children in need with a variety of services designed to strengthen families, build economic stability, and prevent family homelessness. The Family Resource Coordinator helps families who need special assistance navigating local resources by providing concrete support such as resource and referral assistance, emergency rental/utility assistance, advocacy, home visitation, holiday gifts, baby supplies, help applying for benefits, budget assistance, counseling, food, clothing, child care, employment assistance, transportation, and other individualized services.
Family Justice Center:The Thurston County Family Justice Center Program provides survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking and/or human trafficking in Thurston County with a variety of collaborative, co-located community based and criminal justice services under one roof to increase coordination, access, safety, and well-being of survivors and their families. Services available include coordinated intake, confidential community based and victim advocacy, supportive services such as access to transportation, clothing, shelter, housing, cellular phones, and food; civil legal services, on-site protection order assistance, child care, support groups, law enforcement, and prosecution services.
Campus Shelter:The Campus Shelter Program operates as a continuous stay 10-bed shelter for children and their families. The model offers intensive Housing focused services to assist guests in identifying and accessing a permanent housing option. Services are driven by the needs of each resident, are flexible and utilize a strengths-based approach. Families residing at the Campus shelter have access to a variety of programs and services onsite at the campus.
Parent Education: The Family Support Center offers a variety of community-based parent education, family engagement, and support opportunities utilizing the strengthening families model to encourage healthy family development. Parenting classes are evidence based, best practice, and include free child care, activities, and snacks.
Facilities Management: The Family Support Center manages a 32,000 sq. foot building, providing centralized and coordinated services for families with children by offering low cost rental space to other like minded family and child service agencies.