Organization | Type | Location | Revenue |
Syanett Evangelical Free Church of America | 501(c)(3) | Princeton, MN | $0 |
Unity of the Black Hills | 501(c)(3) | Rapid City, SD | $0 |
United Faith Missionary Baptist Chu | 501(c)(3) | Maywood, IL | $0 |
Schools for Children | 501(c)(3) | Banner Elk, NC | $359,198 |
Texas Garden Clubs - 2299 Rio Grande City Garden Club | 501(c)(3) | Rio Grande Cy, TX | $415 |
Hispanic Technology and Community Center of Greater Flint | 501(c)(3) | Flint, MI | $1,043,475 |
St Michael's Episcopal School | 501(c)(3) | Richmond, VA | $6,660,205 |
Northeastern Community Development Corporation | 501(c)(3) | Camden, NC | $1,688,339 |
The Ivy Academy of Early Learning | 501(c)(3) | Elgin, IL | $1,504,123 |
New Jersey Association for Centers for Independent Living | 501(c)(3) | Hamilton, NJ | $1,531,600 |
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