Program areas at The Father Center of New Jersey
Operation Fatherhood - A dynamic vocational program that assists non-custodial fathers in obtaining and keeping employment. Child support assistance, 24/7 Dads parenting education, resume creation and review, computer literacy training, job placement assistance, and post-hire support are provided along with professional clothing through Dress2Impress. Services shifted to a hybrid platform serving 454 men; 40 gained employment.
Healthy Relationships, Healthy Choices - A curriculum designed for classroom of 15-20 9th grade boys. The program gives boys the chance to learn these life skills early on and helps prepare them for healthy relationships throughout their lives. The program is implemented throughout the school year, with 28 weekly two-hour sessions that focus on: leadership & life skills development, healthy & productive relationships, a focused community service project, career development, educational field trips. A mix of in-person and hybrid programming was offered to 12 ninth grade males and 38 alumni students in grades 10-12.
Workforce Investment Board/Work First NJ - Workforce development training and job placement support offered to single adult men who receive general assistance. Participation in a twenty week curriculum is mandated and other services as in Operation Fatherhood are also provided. A total of 207 men were offered job training.
Other Programs including: Bridges2Success, anger management classes, and Career Cuts on site haircuts.