Program areas at The Female Hebrew Benevolent Society of Philadelphia A Corporation
Emergency aid:during The fiscal year that ended april 30, 2023, fhbs assisted 85 clients. The average grant was $836. Top areas of need were medical services and supplies and shelter. This program is supported by The jewish federation of greater Philadelphia. Special funding for victims of domestic violence was provided by marcy gringlas & joel greenberg, seed The dream foundation.
Pharmacy stipend program:eighteen women received $50 or $100 pharmacy gift cards. The program runs in six-month cycles, and most participants are continued for A second cycle on The recommendation of their case managers. This initiative was started in memory of our board member emerita, lillian tabas, continued with The support of The legacy fund of suburban jewish community center bnai aaron and is now funded by The josephine cohen charitable foundation.
Monthly stipends:ten women received stipends of $150-$275 per month and A $100 supermarket gift card for passover. Financial updates are required for all stipend recipients midway through The funding cycle.
Camp scholarships: sixty-five campers from 25 families attended 22 different day and overnight camps last summer. Funding came from The estate of mirele steinig, jackie & alan luria, and marcy gringlas & joel greenberg, seed The dream foundation.emergency response systems:sixty-seven frail, elderly women gained peace of mind with The connection of A personal emergency response system to their telephone equipment, enabling them to remain safely in their own homes. Seven calls for assistance were placed. When A woman pushes her call button, fhbs is notified by fax, and in turn, alerts The client's care manager. The cost per client per year is $300-$336 depending on whether she has A landline or A mobile phone. The program is supported by The josephine cohen charitable foundation and The goldie liebovich katz fund.