Program areas at The Five Wings Arts Council
The Council solicited and awarded 81 production/sponsorship grants to 36 Arts organizations and community groups. Awards are to be used by grantees for The creation and production of Arts programs or projects which are for The development or enhancement of local or regional artists or Arts organizations; or, The hosting of Arts events by contracting The services of another organization or individual to provide Arts programming to The local or regional community.
Grants were awarded to 16 individual artists to help them complete their projects and achieve their artistic goals. The funds could be used to purchase supplies, equipment, tools, professional services, time, etc. Artists of any discipline could apply, including but not limited to: visual, performing, literacy, and media Arts.
The Council awarded 14 general operating and capital support grants to 14 organizations to strengthen and stabilize established nonprofit Arts organizations allowing them to provide The best possible service to The Arts.
The Council awarded 2 Arts based community development (abcd) grants. Abcd grants are meant to be a collaboration between artists, designers, Arts organizations and community leaders to deliberately integrate Arts and culture to address issues facing The community. The Council awarded 13 artisan grants to individuals to help them complete their projects and achieve their artistic goals. The funds could be used to purchase supplies, equipment, tools, professional services, time, etc. Artists of any discipline could apply, including but not limited to: visual, performing, literacy, and media Arts. The Council awarded 14 professional development grants to individuals. They participated in "artist working in community cohort training- and then were awarded 1000 to plan and implement a mini-project in The community of their choice to practice The principles learned to further their skills in working in community. The Council awarded 6 grants to 5 organizations for small grants. Small grants are intended to sponsor an Arts activity of a first time Arts producer or presenter, or a sudden opportunity of a previously funded applicant. The Council awarded 3 school Arts project grants to 1 school to advance Arts education in Five Wings area schools through artist-teacher partnerships; to convey to students and teachers that The Arts are essential to education and daily life; and to help students learn in The Arts and literature. Qualified artists work with teachers in educational settings to reinforce student's critical thinking, self-discipline, and creative self-expression. Project examples include, but are not limited to: artist residencies, Arts education field trips, and other non-curriculum Arts activities. The Council concluded a national endowment for The Arts grant project that began in 2019/2020. It was extended a number of times due to constraints of The covid-19 pandemic. The goal was to support a series of events that facilitate engagement with The public, to help develop a vision of future public art programs and community Arts events in downtown little falls, Minnesota. The program enlisted The help of 81 volunteers from start to finish.