Program areas at The Forward Foundation
In 2023, The Forward Foundation ran a digital education program in communities with The highest density of same-day voter registration to ensure this community understands their constitutionally-protected right to vote. The Forward Foundation's digital voter education program saw stronger-than-anticipated results, showing that The targeted communities (those with The highest density of same-day voter registration) were interested and engaged in learning about how to register and vote on election day.
Recruitment of appointed positions that protect our democracy: The Forward Foundation ran a comprehensive campaign to identify, educate, and activate working-age adults in new hampshire to sign up to serve as volunteer poll workers for new hampshire's city and town elections. Through community outreach, paid digital advertising, training webinars, and relational organizing, The Forward Foundation identified 50 new folks who were interested in poll working, especially in The city elections. This set The groundwork for a smooth presidential election in 2024 as well.
Issue-based education for elected officials: new hampshire's elected officials are tasked with making decisions on a variety of issues, but unfortunately a legislator cannot be an expert in each of these issues. That is why The Forward Foundation engages in a governance program, to make sure elected officials in towns, cities, and in The state house are educated on issues that matter most to working-age individuals. In 2023, we were able to train 70 additional folks with this program - however, The first set of about 50 folks we trained on housing are continually coming back to interact with our organization, attend more trainings, and help with our other programs.