Program areas at The Foundation for the Higher Good
The guatemala service project is a program service with many aspects of service. Our organization has built and remodeled homes, a medical clinic, schools, and churches. We serve The communities by volunteering in The clinic and schools. Food and manpower were provided for The feeding programs to The poor communities. Assistance to The people in need was provided in The form of job opportunites, education assistance, and equipment. Our literacy outreach program and The humanitarian aid, from chicken coups to computers, has impacted The lives of The mayan communities for generations to come.
The domestic service project is a program service that provides food and shelter to The poor of The local community. Free medical services are provided to those who cannot afford it, and shelter is provided to people that come to our community without a place to stay.
The honduras service project is a program service with many aspects of service. Our organization has built and remodeled homes, a medical clinic, schools, and churches. We serve The communities by volunteering in The clinic and schools. Food and manpower were provided for The feeding programs to The poor communities. Assistance to The people in need was provided in The form of job opportunites, education assistance, and equipment. Our literacy outreach program and The humanitarian aid, from chicken coups to computers, has impacted The lives of The mayan communities for generations to come.
As a nonprofit organization in our community, we are dedicated to uniting compassionate people with compelling causes, and promoting The health and wellbeing of children and families around The world.